Acceptance : Willingness to Change!
Ancient Hindu scriptures aren’t mythology, they are a guide to life management with the scientific approach. Be it Vedas or Bhagwad Geeta; it has everything from life management, to manpower management. It also describes how ‘Yog and sadhna’ can be used as effective tools to live a meaningful life. According to Vedas, there are six negative characteristics of mind that is, kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha(greed), moha (delusion), mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy), it is the biggest hindrance in your journey to the inner self. One mantra to the happy life is ‘Acceptance’. As we discussed in our past blogs on meditation, the relaxationthat it is important to face and accept your limitations to improve your focus and lower your stress level.
Let’s rewind it again to understand the root cause of all the problems, the panch kleshas. As explained in the Vedas let’s find out about Fear, Envy, Anger, and hatred. And how acceptance can be the first step towards the nirvana. Human possesses many qualities, some of them are inherited or carry forwarded from our past life, ie ‘samskara’, and some can be acquired. Fortunately, ‘Acceptance’ is the quality that we can acquire. Its difficult for us to work in this direction due to continuous challenges from the surroundings.
Fear is nothing but nonacceptance of insecurity/ uncertainty. It originates from delusion and greed. We tend to fit in an image that is either imposed by the peer groups or projected by your own self. To live up to that image, we refuse to accept that we are afraid of any such thing. This rigidness of accepting your insecurity actually aggravates the problem. It leads to shortcuts, wrong paths and short-term solutions for that uncertainty.
Accept that if you are afraid of losing someone or something. Accept that if you are not sure about your future. It doesn’t harm if you accept it. Accepting and embracing your insecurities will lead to the solutions that are about exploring it without getting insecure. It will make your fear a fun game.
The second thing is Envy, which is nonacceptance of good in others. Pride and jealousy make the mind complex. The mind refuses to see if anyone is praised for their skills, goodness or efforts. It refuses to accept and appreciate if someone produces better results than you. You compare, you get jealous and the Ego in you does not accept the goodness in the other person. We tend to hate people who are efficient or better than us.
Why it is so hard to appreciate? Accept, appreciate and get inspired by the goodness in place of envy. Mindfulness meditation helps you achieve that ‘sehaj’ state of mind, where you welcome and accept it as it is. Acceptance gets you a free and relaxed mind. A mind that is free from envy, hatred, jealousy is a mind that is full of peace and love. It’s a self-motivated mind, that can find inspiration in anything. Meditation helps you accept and embrace.
This acceptance can do wonder for your anger as well. Anger the root cause behind health issue, relationship issues. Anger leads to the destruction. If you accept that you can not control everything. You will understand the power of patience, the power of persuasion, the power of tolerance.
Why do we get angry? Anger is a reaction out of frustration when we are unable to bear the pressures, criticism, threat among others. Envy, hatred, and fear add to the anger. Anger can come out as reactions from mild irritation to major fury. That leads to high blood pressure and anxiety.
Bhagwat Geeta says, There is no greater enemy than anger. It wastes your spiritual energy. It can only be combated by practicing tolerance in one’s life in order to attain the state of Akrodh – the absence of anger, as told in Vedas. Some people believe ‘Acceptance’ makes us weak and stop us from an action. At times we give up on relationship, love, profession believing that it is impossible to make things better, without putting your sincere efforts. Acceptance is not escapism. Another important thing we should remember that situations vary time to time.
Human life is full of challenges and sacrifice. It is tough. Without sacrificing, without efforts, one cannot achieve or get what is he needs. Doing self-analysis, determining the skills we possess, gauging the level of emotions we carry for others and above all the situation we are living in can help us when to use Acceptance as a tool to be strong and move ahead in life. Acceptance is willingness to improve , willingness to change and move ahead. Accept the negative characteristics of mind, work on it with ‘Nirvana the Moksha’ retreat and get rid of this poison. The poison that is not letting you reach the mindfulness. Acceptance is the mantra to start your journey to the inner-self.
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